More Revenue

From someone who has more leverage in the payments world

You’re a large merchant with a lot of clout in your industry and a lot of resources at your fingertips.

But when it comes to payments, you’re up against a really big system – and at times, it’s surprising how little control you have over your own revenue. You already hand over so much of it to interchange and network fees. Then, BAM! The payments world sends down a big regulatory change like EMV, and suddenly you’re forced to spend massive resources on rebuilding your payments infrastructure. You depend on this ecosystem to keep revenue coming in, but you hate to think what it could be sending your way next.

Working with my team of experts means there’s someone large enough and capable enough to help you drive more revenue. You get influence with the networks, plus the newest, data-driven technologies to help you bring in and keep more revenue.

Now you can:


Have your interests represented among the major card companies and banks

By an advocate that is both strong enough and independent enough to go to bat for you.

Lower your overall cost of acceptance

Through powerful value-add solutions and streamlined operations.

Partner with someone who can and will challenge the networks on rule changes, network updates

And other issues that may adversely affect you.

Broaden your acceptance options

By allowing customers to use mobile pay and other NFC and alternative payments.

Reduce interchange fees with Prime least-cost debit routing

And get savings only possible because of our relationships with the card networks.

Automatically improve your authorization rates with AuthMax

Which uses the intelligence from transaction data to maximize your acceptance while minimizing your risk.

Do more business (both in-store and online) without falling victim to fraud

FraudSight examines data at the customer level - not the card level - to make smarter judgements, so you can prevent theft and chargebacks without declining legitimate transactions.

Satisfy customer expectations and create seamless cross-channel shopping experiences woth On-Demand Payments

A custom-tailored omnicommerce solution.

Tap into a world or transaction data to learn more about your customers' spending habits

And how you can influence them - with TruSpend.

With more leverage in the payments world, you get more control of your payments.